3 Surprising Facts About Whiplash

Whiplash is commonly associated with car accidents at high speeds. What these narratives sometimes fail to mention is that whiplash can occur anywhere, sometimes under surprising circumstances. We’ll look at three facts that you may not realize about this condition and how a physical therapist in Flagstaff, AZ, may be able to help.

1. Whiplash Is More Common Than You Think
Whiplash can happen in a car that’s traveling at just a few miles an hour. It can happen when you fall or when you’re participating in sports like boxing or skiing. As you get older, the odds of whiplash only go up. Not only do conditions like arthritis affect your odds of whiplash, but everyone will lose some degree of flexibility and motion range as they get older. The less leeway, the more likely you are to have to deal with the aftermath. If you’ve noticed that your neck hasn’t quite been feeling up to par lately, it might be because you sustained whiplash without realizing it.

2. Many People Ignore Whiplash
Whiplash is caused by an external force that causes the neck to move back and forth quickly, and, as a result, it often has delayed symptoms. This means that the original feelings afterward may not feel like much of anything at all. This makes it easy to discount the feelings, assuming that little more than a good night’s sleep will do the trick. While it’s true that whiplash isn’t considered a critical condition and that many people will get better on their own, other times, you’ll find that the pain and discomfort only get worse over time.

3. A Physical Therapist Can Work Wonders
Whiplash in Flagstaff, AZ, is a common complaint for people who visit a physical therapist. These professionals aren’t there to prescribe medication, they’re there to work with the body’s alignment and help it get back to a state of harmony. If you’re looking for a staff that understands how whiplash can affect not only your neck but the rest of your bones and muscles, contact Base Camp Physical Therapy and Performance. Our team has the expertise to tell you about the mechanisms behind the pain and what kinds of restorative exercises and techniques will help.

What Is Vestibular Rehabilitation and How Can It Help a Concussion?

A physical therapist will offer vestibular rehab whenever the vestibular system has sustained damage. This important set of signals is what regulates our balance and spatial orientation, and, as you can imagine, a concussion can have a major impact on how that system functions. We’ll look at how physical therapy works to retrain the senses after head trauma.

The Exercises of Vestibular Rehab
A physical therapist in Flagstaff, AZ is ultimately hoping to give patients back as much mobility as they can. Their approach may start with stabilizing the gaze, allowing patients to keep their focus while moving so they’re more likely to get back on their feet. They’ll also try to habituate the patient, which can help temper the reaction to stimuli. So if the lights turn on or the person makes a sharp turn of the head, they’re not left seeing stars.

Rehab exercises will also help a person get back on their feet, improving the balance and endurance of the patient so they build back their coordination one day at a time. Concussions can range widely in severity, but a physical therapist is also trained to work with a wide range of symptoms. Whether the patient is experiencing dizziness, fatigue, or light sensitivity, a physical therapist can make a real difference in the quality of life for a concussed patient.

If you’re wondering how long it takes for vestibular rehab to work for a concussion, you should know that some patients experience some degree of relief after just a session or two. However, most rehab programs will typically take more than a month to feel the full effects.

Concussion Therapy in Flagstaff, AZ
Head trauma can mess more than just general sense of balance. If you’re struggling with ongoing discomfort, it’s important to work with a staff that knows what you’re going through. If you’re looking for experts in concussion management in Flagstaff, AZ, whether it’s for you or someone you love, the staff at Base Camp Physical Therapy and Performance can tell you more about these programs. The good news is that you’ll find a staff that’s as caring as they are qualified to help stay on top of the symptoms.