Can Physical Therapy Help a Broken Toe?
Most people who break their toe for the first time are surprised at the answers they get from their medical providers. Because you can’t put a cast on a broken toe, the best thing that you can do is manage the pain as it heals. So, the question becomes what can you do during the healing process to help improve your odds of a fast recovery (with minimal repercussions)? Below, we’ll look at how physical therapy can help a broken toe in Flagstaff, AZ and get back to where you need to be.
Physical Therapy and Injury Severity
The severity of your fracture will have a lot to do with your treatment. As a general rule, you’re supposed to keep off the toe, avoid moving it too much, and use standard at-home remedies (e.g., ice, elevation, etc.) to manage your symptoms. In some cases, though, you may need to use crutches or tape to reduce pressure on the toe or help you avoid inadvertent toe movement.
Physical Therapy for a Broken Toe in Flagstaff
Physical therapy for a broken toe largely follows much of the standard mobility advice on the market. For example, you might do toe curls, marble pickups, and standard stretching to help you improve your mobility and manage pain. These treatments can all help you reduce any long-term effects of a broken toe and give you back most (if not all) of your range of motion.
However, there’s one major warning to keep in mind during your recovery: these exercises need to be done correctly to avoid making the issue worse. With the right physical therapist, you can not only learn the proper technique — based on your specific fracture — you can work through the exercise at the appropriate pace as you heal.
Find a Physical Therapist for You
The rate of recovery and the best exercise for you depends not just on where and how you broke your toe, but how old you are, your general health, and your lifestyle. If you’re looking for a physical therapist in Flagstaff to help you manage it all, contact the team at Base Camp Physical Therapy and Performance to make an appointment today.