Entries by Base Camp Physical Therapy and Performance

Physical Therapist vs. Dentist: How to Handle Your TMJ

Many people experience TMJ on an everyday basis. Moreover, there’s not always a straightforward answer, particularly if you’re trying to avoid surgical solutions. If you were diagnosed with the disorder by a dentist but you find that their treatments aren’t resulting in relief, we’ll look at why a physical therapist in Flagstaff, AZ, may be […]

5 Most Common Types of Auto Injuries

Physical therapy helps individuals in a wide range of situations, including recovery and rehabilitation after auto injuries. Basecamp physical therapists in Flagstaff, AZ, have treated many people for motor vehicle accident injuries. Here are the five most common types of auto injuries that people suffer: 1. Whiplash Whiplash is arguably the number one most common […]

Game-Changing Recovery: How Physical Therapy Restores Athletes

When you spend a lot of time playing sports or participating in your favorite athletic endeavors, a sports injury in Flagstaff, AZ, can feel like such a disheartening setback. However, working closely with a physical therapist during your recovery can help ensure you get back to your beloved activities as quickly and as well-healed as possible. […]

What Is Vestibular Rehabilitation and How Can It Help a Concussion?

A physical therapist will offer vestibular rehab whenever the vestibular system has sustained damage. This important set of signals is what regulates our balance and spatial orientation, and, as you can imagine, a concussion can have a major impact on how that system functions. We’ll look at how physical therapy works to retrain the senses […]